
Over-engineering an Environment Sensor with Kubernetes and Prometheus

Over-engineering an Environment Sensor with Kubernetes and Prometheus

One of the joys of keeping a personal blog is that I don’t have to justify a post. If I want to hook up 4 Raspberry Pis into a Kubernetes cluster just to monitor the humidity of my living room, then I can. And it’s pretty cool to open up a browser and go to starfleet:30001 to see this: I’ve explored Kubernetes once before, when I used it to host an R API made with Plumber.
Hosting a Plumber API with Kubernetes

Hosting a Plumber API with Kubernetes

I’ve set myself an ambitious goal of building a Kubernetes cluster out of a couple of Raspberry Pis. This is pretty far out of my sphere of knowledge, so I have a lot to learn. I’ll be writing some posts to publish my notes and journal my experience publicly. In this post I’ll go through the basics of Kubernetes, and how I hosted a Plumber API in a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud Platform.